Trusted Leadership Real Results

Meet Young Kim Proven Effective Trusted

As an immigrant, mother of four and small business owner, Young Kim has lived the American Dream and has dedicated her career to serving her community. Young’s steadfast faith in the promise of America is why the people of California’s 40th congressional district chose her to represent them in the United States Congress. 

Young Kim was elected to Congress by a bipartisan alliance of small business owners, public safety organizations, working families, and local leaders.

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Howard Jarvis Taxpayer Association
“Young will always fight for lower taxes and advocate for the rights of taxpayers.”
National Federation of Independent Business
“A small business owner herself, Young will continue to advocate on behalf of small businesses for lowering taxes, reducing regulations, and ending frivolous lawsuits that target small business owners.”

From local leaders to organizations, check out who else has joined the team.

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