Meet Young Kim

I ran for Congress because I saw Washington politicians failing to deliver when our country needed it most. As an immigrant and one of the first Korean-American members of Congress, I am proudly serving my community, making sure I hold self-serving politicians accountable, and end the partisan gridlock that has brought our country to a standstill.

I first came to this country as an immigrant and through hard work and determination achieved the American Dream. As an immigrant, small-business owner, and mother, I have spent my career in this community, fighting to give all Americans a chance to live their own dream.

As the first Korean American woman to represent Southern California in the California State Assembly, I stood up for what is right and fought tax increases that hurt middle-class families, championed funding for our public safety officers to keep our communities safe, fought for victims of domestic violence, and secured funding for veterans and homeless children. I promised to be a bipartisan voice for families, workers, and small businesses and kept that promise.

Now, I am representing this community in Congress and standing up to both parties to be the commonsense problem solver our community deserves in Washington.

Washington politicians have lost their way. The moment in history we face today demands that leaders leave their partisanship and political games at the door and prioritize People over Politics.

I understand that ‘politics as usual’ has not worked for anyone except those entrenched in the DC bureaucracy. Since arriving in Washington, I have worked with anyone and everyone who is interested in helping American families and working class people – regardless of politics or party affiliation.

I’ve sought bipartisan solutions to fix our broken healthcare system. As a mother of a child with pre-existing conditions, I know the importance of quality accessible healthcare and prescription drugs that are affordable – and will help make that a reality for all families.

I’ve stood up against Sacramento-style policies that raise taxes, weaken the economy, and kill jobs. I understand the frustration that working families have when inflation skyrockets and their hard-earned dollars means less because of overreaching government policies.

Americans should expect nothing less from their leaders.