Gil Cisneros Caught Lying to Voters and Press About Pledge To Reject PAC Dollars

Cisneros Has Continued to Obscure His Broken Promises to Dupe Voters

Fullerton, CA – In response to the release of Young Kim’s ad highlighting his broken promises and untrustworthiness, freshman Congressman Gil Cisneros’ campaign rolled out new lies to try to cover his tracks. After being called on breaking his promise not to accept any PAC contributions, to the tune of $1 million, the Cisneros campaign is now claiming that Cisneros didn’t make that pledge at all.

Cisneros now claims that he only promised not to accept contributions from corporate PACs, but his own words tell a different story. During the 2018 election, Cisneros time and again promised he wouldn’t take contributions from any PACs and made it a centerpiece of his campaign. In August 2017 Cisneros stated, “I will not accept any PAC money to my campaign…” and reiterated it in January 2018 saying, “I refuse to take PAC or special interest money”. If it needed to be clearer, in October 2018 a campaign spokesman stated to the media that “Gil Cisneros has made a pledge to not accept any contributions from PACs, period.

Not only is Cisneros and his campaign spreading mistruths about his record to 39th District voters but they also lied to the press. The Washington Examiner reported that:

“The Cisneros campaign is adamant the congressman has stuck to his original campaign pledge that he would not take money specifically from corporate PACs, arguing that labor PACs are different from Corporate PACs.”

However Gil Cisneros stated in October of 2018 that he wasn’t going to take contributions from labor PACs as well.

It’s now clear the lengths that Gil Cisneros is willing to go to deceive voters and the press to get re-elected. It’s even clearer that he puts his interests above all else and cannot be trusted by 39th District voters.
